One-to-One Coaching Programme

Impact Accelerator NEUROCOACHING™


I’m Louise, a Certified NeuroCoach™ and facilitator of the 3 month Impact Accelerator Coaching Programme.
Whether you found this programme through searches or personal recommendation, the mere fact you are here tells me you are ready and open for long-lasting transformations in all aspects of your life and career.
The programme will address lifelong conditioning (cultural and social) often rooted in childhood experiences.
I’m Louise, a Certified NeuroCoach™ and facilitator of the 3 month Impact Accelerator 1:1 Coaching Programme.
Louise Corcoran sitting at a desk in her office
Whether you found this programme through searches or personal recommendation, the mere fact you are here tells me you are ready and open for long-lasting transformations in all aspects of your life and career.
The programme addresses lifelong conditioning (cultural and social) often rooted in childhood experiences.

If you are curious to understand yourself better, think and act in a way that enables you to reach your potential – stop making excuses and take the first step; it is totally free and without obligation.

Together we will create a path to success – to achieve more fulfilment, live an incredible life and create high impact goals for yourself in the next 90 days


Book your Discovery Call

The discovery call is to understand your initial blockers and work out whether this coaching programme can help you move forward. It’s also an opportunity to ensure we can develop a mutually beneficial relationship in order to achieve your desired results.

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STEP 2 and 3

Insights Questionnaire & Coaching Agreement

You will be emailed a link to an online questionnaire and asked to fill it out; it’s essential that you’re open and honest.

The information you provide is completely confidential and will be used to form the basis of our working relationship and essence of your tailored programme.

A Coaching Agreement is drawn up and explained to you, and there is also an opportunity for questions. In summary, this is a formal agreement setting out terms and conditions ensuring you’re fully aware of the expectations of the coaching relationship and the programme.


3 Month Programme – An Overview

This coaching model will provide a clear path to creating impact, achieving fulfilment and living an incredible life by rewiring the brain in 90 days. As every client is unique, the 3 month programme is individually tailored to each coachee. We work through 3 phases and achieve the following:

Clarify your Path

Increase self awareness & self direction, make confident decisions, build more meaningful relationships, improve emotional wellbeing and clarity around work life balance.

Master your Mind

Recognise specific barriers, create a harmonious connection between brain & goals, move towards changes you want more quickly and improve stress triggers.

Accelerate your Impact

Proactive decision-making, heightened focus, enhanced effectiveness and performance both professionally & personally.


Accountability Sessions

Many clients find additional sessions useful. They can act as a form of accountability and help you build on the 3 month programme. Here we review post programme issues or situations that you may have found difficult to navigate.

The skills you will learn in the Impact Accelerator programme are transferable to any future challenges that you will encounter along your road to success.

Are you ready to create impact as a leader, reach your potential and live an incredible life?

Schedule a Discovery Call

Note: Clicking the link will open a new tab on the Calendly booking platform