NeuroCoaching™ is a highly effective, deep level of coaching that accesses and reframes the subconscious mind. The model works for every problem, including blocked or self limiting beliefs, as well as creating new habits and goals (i.e. new neural pathways).
The principles of NeuroCoaching™ derive from neuroscience and neuropsychology. It works by identifying and replacing neural pathways which no longer benefit us. These are habits and thoughts that have become deeply embedded, negatively impacting our path to success.
Our thoughts control everything we do – our decisions, actions and results. We have the ability to manage what we think about success, money, time and worth. To achieve unprecedented change, you need to leverage your mind.
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How It Works
Did you know that you have about 60,000 thoughts per day? The brain is designed to put thoughts and emotions on autopilot and create repetition over time to conserve energy. It takes up to 67 repetitions for a thought (good or bad) to become an automated belief in your subconscious.
These subconscious beliefs are automatically influencing 90% of your daily decisions. The process of NeuroCoaching™ ‘increases awareness of negative or self-limiting thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck. This successful coaching model teaches you how to permanently erase these negative belief patterns. By building new neural pathways, I will help you to embed new positive beliefs and automatic thoughts so that your default thinking moves you forward to success.
In short, it is a system that creates permanent transformation, instead of temporary symptom-based wins.
What Does This Mean
NeuroCoaching™ will erase any limitations you feel in your career and life, enabling you to accelerate and achieve your version of success.
It’s not about mindset – it doesn’t rely on hoping, wishing or working harder. What you learn is brain priming – erasing automatic negative thoughts that no longer serve you, whilst creating and embedding new neural pathways, purposefully defining what you want.
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Removing internal blocks
Achieve your potential
Achieve what seems unattainable
Training your brain, not just your outlook
Identify and erase old survival tools that are no longer needed
Identify and embed new thought patterns that will move you forward
Learning to emotionally self-regulate
Self-coaching towards success
Practicing behavioural change excercises

A Testimonial
Head of HR
“Before starting this 3 month programme, I had a real lack of direction and focus. I also had lots of limiting thoughts that were stopping me from moving forwards and taking risks that left me feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and ineffective.
Louise helped me to tap into my core values to reach goals that resonated with me on a deeper level. Now I’m able to focus and set inspiring goals to progress with a project at work that I avoided due to my mindset.
What I’ve found invaluable, is my awareness of the limiting thoughts that had been holding me back. This programme has taught me the techniques to erase and replace them and the impact has been amazing. One of the things that surprised me the most was how many of these debilitating thoughts I was actually having and how much they were affecting me.
Louise challenged me in a good way, and I always felt supported and guided. I loved advancing with each session and the results have been transformational. I can’t wait to see what I can achieve next year!”
Are you ready to create impact as a leader, reach your potential and live an incredible life?
Schedule a Discovery Call
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